Augusta Wisconsin Businesses in 1874

A list of Business Owners and the type of Business they ran in Augusta Wisconsin in the town of Bridgecreek in the County of Eau Claire

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A. Bartig saloon
A. Wilcox gunsmith
Arthur C. White meat market
C. I. Chadbourn hardware
C. P. Niles barber
C. Woodford physician homeopathic
Charles Weiserbourn groceries, crockery and liquors
D. C. Spencer physician and surgeon regular
Davis Jackson artist
F. Dittmer and Son boots, shoes and manufacturer
Fred Smith saloon
G. C. Hardy saloon
G. F. Hamilton physician and surgeon regular
G. W. Goodnow furniture dealer
George P. Vaux drugs, medicines and groceries
H. A. Welch saloon
H. L. Stiles attorney and counselor
H. R. Day attorney at law
H. R. Primley dealer in agricultural implements
Henry Fust merchant tailor
Henry Waidron physician homeopathic
Hiram Blair hotel keeper, the Sheridan House Hotel
Ira B. Bradford attorney at law
J. C. Backett dealer in agricultural implements
John Anderson blacksmith
John Burstdenler dealer in agricultural implements

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