Augusta WI Newspaper Clippings from the Past

Clippings from the Past - From the Eau Claire Telegram, 1924

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William B, 32 committed suicide Sunday evening about 6:30 at the home of Elson R . William B. was unmarried and had been employed for the past 4 years as patrolman on county highway Q. William B. used a Winchester rifle, placing the muzzle of the weapon against his forehead and pulling the trigger with his toe Augusta Wisconsin.

A checkup of William B.s’ activates during the 24 hours prior to his death revealed that he had attended a dance on Saturday night with Sid B., a half brother, his half sister and Miss Clara L. of Chippewa Falls. The latter had been visiting the Bakeman home for the past three weeks. Miss L., who is about 17, had accompanied William B. to dances once or twice before, it was said.

About 5 o’clock Sunday afternoon William B. returned to the B. home and reiterated his accusation concerning the locked door. Miss L., who was present at the time, took little part in the controversy, it was said. William B. was at the time was accompanied by Arthur P.. After a short time Miss L. expressed

(part of the article on this page is missing but continues on another page )

[She was] affected by the Lysol which she drank and appeared fully recovered with the exception of burns about the mouth. She had no comment to make upon the suicide, it was said, and soon left for her home with the members of the B. family

That William B. came to his death by his own act there could be not doubt, Coroner Stokes stated Monday.  

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Augusta Wisconsin Area Newspaper Clippings, 1924.  Wisconsin: Augusta