Sand Mines in Augusta Wisconsin
The Progress of Sand Mines in Wisconsin in Eau Claire County
Sand Mines change farm land forever in Wisconsin in Otter Creek and Bridge Creek Townships. See a CNN report on the Sand Mines
More information:
[Sand Mine Opinion / photos] [Eau
Claire County Sand Mine Map] [
Summer Fall Winter 2013 Photos ]
Other Sand Mine
Information Links below
Note this is our opinion and the scale of the change to the landscape by the sand mine. The mine is new - the hills will be leveled and the horizon flattened. The reclamation when the mine is complete is promised to restore the trees but it will be a plain, not hilly countryside. You can see a full size of the sand mine image here. It will give you an idea of how much the mine of sand changes the view. Note the size of the sand mine truck in comparison to the scene of the entire sand mine. Also, you can click on the thumbnail. Voice your opinion to the Eau Claire Board of Supervisors
A primary component of sand mining is silica which is released as tiny dust particles when the sand is "mined". "Silica is a known carcinogen."..... "Symptoms develop" ... "5 to 10 years" ... "not uncommon for symptoms to arise up to 45 years after exposure" From a 2005 web site article on an insurance risk site at You can see the full article about the insurance risks of silica
There is an Amish Country school directly across the street from the sand mine.
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The photo of the Augusta Wisconsin Sand Mine was taken in July 2012 - changes are massive by August 2012 and the hills have disappeared. Click on the image to see the July photo full size |
Augusta Wisconsin Sand Mine September 2012 | Augusta Wisconsin Sand Mine Conveyor September 2012 |
Map of Sand Mines in Eau Claire county near Augusta Wisconsin, in the Townships of Otter Creek and Bridgecreek. Click on the image to see the Sand Site Maps page |
The full size image is huge, it it 3600 pixels by 2700 pixels of an Augusta Wisconsin Sand Mine. This page contains photos of a developing sand mine and opinions of this sites the author of Sand Mines in the area of Augusta, Bridge Creek Township, other townships and Eau Claire County and all of Wisconsin
Sand mines are also proposed for the area near the Eau Claire River and Bridge Creek near and less than one quarter mile from the Trails Edge Campground. The area was formerly the Augusta Wisconsin Dump and an area of forest that were planted over wastes from the electric company, and it is our opinion that they are possibly toxic. The construction will take the land down to the level of the Eau Claire River and Bridge Creek, possibly affecting the water all the way to Eau Claire, the Chippewa River and beyond to the Mississippi River. An additional mine is proposed for the Junction of county r and Highway 12 (at Walters Buildings) just one mile out of Augusta Wisconsin. You can see an internet article about the Sand Mine being below the water table, the municipal dump and more at by the Pioneer Press. The property is owned by Plum Creek Timberlands
The Hi-Crush Company has the site in operation in Augusta and the Great Northern Sand Company is proposing another site in Otter Creek Township. The Eau Claire County Board of supervisors will meet about the proposal by October 25, 2012. Other companies proposing sand mines in the area are Five Star Telecom Properties and High Country Sand
The Hills will disappear in Eau Claire County and the Town of Bridgecreek. Hope that a sand mine does not come to your neighborhood in Wisconsin, in Eau Claire County and in the Town of Bridgecreek, town of Lincoln and Town of Clear Creek and Otter Creek. Each of the additional proposed sand mines can possibly affect the water supply for Augusta, Bridge Creek, the Eau Claire River, the Chippewa River and onto the Mississippi River. It is our opinion that the proposed sand mines might effect the Wisconsin Wildlife recreation areas and Eau Claire County parks in Augusta, Lincoln Township, and the environmental well being of Fall Creek, Altoona, Eau Claire and other communities downstream. Families and children in these areas will be affected by silica in the air.
Prospective sites include Highway 12 and County Road JJ. See the map of the location in the Town of Lincoln in Eau Claire County and you may find the locations on the index maps page for townships and counties
Other Sand Mine
Information Links
Koch and sand go hand in hand]
impact on Wisconsin from frac sand mining jobs]
Guy Photography: The Blair Amish Project]
Other Scenes in Augusta Wisconsin
Let it Snow! Wisconsin |
The Augusta Post Office, Augusta WI 54722 |
The Augusta City Hall and Police Station, including Augusta Wisconsin Tourist Information |
Miss Augusta and Bean and Bacon Day Royalty Past Celebrations |
Former Catholic Church - St Anthony's |
Inside the Buckhorn in 2005 and a brief history of the bar now known as Trails Edge Saloon and Campground |
The Donald Eisberner Memorial on Cheney Road |
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The Rozan Henning Gallery and Sleigh and Carriage Museum in Augusta Wisconsin |
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Dave Balliett Memorial dedicated September 7 2012 |
Sand Mine, Farm, Land, Eau Claire, County, Bridgecreek Wisconsin, Wi, clear, creek, otter Changed, Augusta, Wisconsin, Cancer, Health, risks, truck, traffic 法輪功, Falungong, 李洪志, June 4, 6月4日, 天安门广场, Tiananmen Square, 1989, Great Northern Sand Company, Hi Crush, Crush, Hi, Otter, Creek, Township, Board of Supervisors, amish, school, country